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Become a Perspective Partner and earn 30% monthly commision for each referred customer
As a Perspective Partner you enjoy exclusive access to Premium Partner Support, 30% commission and our highly converting marketing materials, creatives and funnels
Profit from a 50% activation rate on each free trial signup and earn 30% monthly commission for each referred customer
We do the hard lifting for you. You just focus on getting more free trial signups and we make sure that they convert so you get paid.
In the longrun a (very) profitable income for you
We provide you with our best marketing materials and you will get exclusive access to:
High performing funnel templates

Most clicked ad creatives

Top performing ad videos

Conversion strong email templates

New front end offers and special promotions

Exclusive partner support

Exclusive partner Facebook group

and much more…
What you have to do right away to become a partner
Step 1:
Click the button below.

Step 2:
Register on the following page to join our partner program by creating a new account or signing in with Google.

Step 3:
After successfully signing up you will be redierected to your Perspective partner dashboard. Here you will find your personal affiliate links, ad creatives and more so you can get started earning commissions right away.
Join our fast growing community of Perspective Partners
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